Gay Sauna the Board Game

Created by Adrian Collier

Welcome to the Gay Sauna the Board Game pre-order store! After an exciting and successful Kickstarter, we know there are even more folks out there who want to get their hands on the game. All orders through this store will be fulfilled alongside Kickstarter pledges and include all Stretch Goals! NOTE: Shipping costs will not be charged during pre-order, but will be charged later closer to fulfillment. Check out for more info about the game and campaign.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping has begun!!!
9 months ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 07:24:11 AM

The games have arrived at ReRoll Works HQ in Amsterdam!!!

They arrived last Thursday and I have been very busy this past week in preparing the boxes, organising the processes to follow and getting the first few games out whilst also starting to share a bit of the fun on social media (check out Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (X) for more).

Smiley happy faces once all the games were safely stored away!

Fulfillment Process

The fulfillment process has already begun with the first shipments on the way! We're going to work region by region in the order mentioned below. We are still waiting on a few of the merchandise items (Beach Towels and some sizes of Hoodies which were out of stock till now) but these are on their way now and we expect to have them end of next week at the latest. Once everything is in stock, we'll be picking up the biggest orders per region first.


We started with the backers here in the Netherlands for 2 reasons. Firstly, it allowed us to combine the Local Pickup with the shipment, whilst also allowing us to get early feedback on the shipping process itself before we scale up to other regions.

US & Canada

Our US and Canadian backers will be sent out by Bridge Distribution however they are being packed by us here at HQ. It's our intention that they will be shipped in bulk over to the US around the 20th August and from there will be sent to you all individually. We'll be letting you all know when this shipment has been sent. We're expecting to start with this batch this coming weekend.


Once we've finished with NL and prepping the US orders we'll move on to Europe. This includes non EU countries such as the UK and Switzerland as there's not much difference in the process for us. I'm expecting to start with Europe in about a week or so.

Rest of world

Finally we'll cover the remaining countries, starting as mentioned with the backers with the highest pledges.

Once your pledge is on its way to you, there will be an update on your pledge in BackerKit.

We expect to have everything shipped out by the end of August, and while that seems pretty ambitious, we're confident at the moment we can get it done. We will of course keep you in the loop in the coming weeks as to how feasible this remains and alert in case of any changes of plans.

Shipping Costs

All backers should have received an email from me regarding the shipping costs which we have now collected from most via BackerKit. For those that haven't yet paid for shipping, please check the pledge manager for information and update your card details. If you have any problems or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Now on sale!

Now that we've got stock, we've launched our webshop for "normal" sales! These will be fulfilled after we've gone through our Kickstarter and Pre-order backers, but we've got plenty of stock available so it's not too late for anyone who missed out to order now!

Available at

Photos & Videos!!!

I couldn't leave you all without sharing some of the great visuals we've been collecting this past week!

Enjoy these and I'll be back in a week or so with an update on progress.

The first real copy on my kitchen table!
These playerboards are so cool and colourful!

So many boxes!!!!

Pretty pretty lockers!
So many tokens!

Photos and a review!
10 months ago – Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 04:16:36 AM

I don't usually post so frequently, but I just received some photos from the manufacturers that I know you all would love to see!

Before that though, I want to give a shout-out to Bojan and the Pitchwise team for their recent write-up of the game. We sent them a review copy earlier this year and delighted to see they were able to play it and set their thoughts into their blog! Here's the original in Bosnian: and the Google Translated version to English is here:

Now for the photos:

The game box in all its glory!
The box with a whole bunch of components all fitting nice and snugly!
The deck of visitor cards and the event and mischief mini deck!
The NSFW Expansion box with all the naughty stuff inside!

As I mentioned yesterday, you will all get an email shortly with more information about your shipping costs and confirming the address so there will be a final chance to check all of this before it gets finalised. If you have any questions in the meantime, send me a message here on Kickstarter and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Printing is nearly done!!!
10 months ago – Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 08:20:10 AM

YA very quick update today to let you all know that the manufacturer has confirmed the games are in the final stages of printing. This means we're on track to start the fulfilment on August 1st!

I'm awaiting some photos from them of some of the components and will share these once I get them.

This also means we'll be collecting the shipping fees soon - this will either happen between Thursday 28th and Monday 31st July. You should be able to see the amount we'll be collecting in the pledge manager at: although I will be sending you all an email directly to your mailbox in the coming days with the exact amounts and the address to be delivered to.

I'll post again once I have more information either with dates or with photos!

Great news (printing has started), although the exact fulfillment dates are pending
11 months ago – Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 11:49:31 AM

It’s been a few weeks since our last update, and I can’t deny these have been turbulent weeks as we’ve been working closely with the manufacturer to get things on track.

I’m delighted to announce that the printing process has started!!!

Now we’re not yet out of the risky zone as the timelines for printing are still a bit uncertain. The manufacturers are doing their best to shorten this process as much as possible, but this means we don’t yet have a specific date when the games will be available for shipment.

We believe this will be somewhere in August. If all goes well, it will be the first days of August, but until we know more we need to acknowledge it could be as much as 4 weeks later.

The awesome part of this is that it’s really happening and there’s no going back! We can’t wait to get the pallets in and start sending your games out to you all!

EDIT: Seeing as Rico asked nicely, here's a really cool rendering Jose did of the game fully setup and in progress that you'll see pictured on the back of the game box!

Sorry this is taking longer than expected!
11 months ago – Fri, Jun 02, 2023 at 06:37:51 AM

Hi all

Firstly I have to apologise for the silence. These past weeks have been pretty intense with lots of discussions with the manufacturers to get everything perfect before they start the printing process. Not only has this been pretty stressful, but also I've spent the whole time thinking we're just a couple of days away from getting the details on when printing happens and when the games will be ready. I've been delaying this update for this time as I assumed waiting another couple of days would mean we could communicate solid timelines...however that's not yet possible.

We are making huge progress though. All the core files for the game itself are ready and being turned into the final eproofs for the printers. While that's happening we're iterating now on the locker component that will hold the cards while playing the game as this turned out to be a bit flimsy with the original design. We're confident though we'll get to the final version very soon. (I've been informed that this isn't holding up the rest of the process).

These lockers will fit in the box if they are dismantled, but we're also including a small tuckbox to store them separately if you'd like to keep them fully assembled between plays. This tuckbox and the core box insert both have a nice design now as well so they'll fit in the visual theme of the entire game!

The cute locker tuckbox for if you'd like to store it complete outside the game box.

I am in pretty much daily contact with the manufacturers to resolve all these final items, so I really don't expect this to take more than a few more days before we can push the big green button! From an email I received yesterday as we're working on the tuckbox:

"As soon as I have the mockups of the new lockers and I test them with the tuckbox, I will send you the die lines so you can prepare the final design of the lockers. Thank you very much for your patience, we are almost there."

Production is expected to take 6-8 weeks, so the time is slipping away from us and I know many of you are eagerly awaiting your games. I promise I'm doing everything I can to get this moving so we can start shipping out to you all. It looks like folks will start getting their games end of July / August at this point, which is ~3 months later than we'd hoped, but I do think we'll be making this date!

Additionally, from the end of June I'll be reducing my hours at my day job to give me more time to focus on the game and ensure that I can execute on the EU and worldwide fulfillment ASAP. The US and Canada fulfillment is being taken care of by BridgeDistribution so you're in good hands there!

I really can't wait to share this game with you, thank you all so much for bearing with us so far!