Gay Sauna the Board Game

Created by Adrian Collier

Welcome to the Gay Sauna the Board Game pre-order store! After an exciting and successful Kickstarter, we know there are even more folks out there who want to get their hands on the game. All orders through this store will be fulfilled alongside Kickstarter pledges and include all Stretch Goals! NOTE: Shipping costs will not be charged during pre-order, but will be charged later closer to fulfillment. Check out for more info about the game and campaign.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal Unlocked!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 06:34:18 PM

Happy Monday everyone!

I hope you're all off to a great start of the week? We're still stoked and excited here at Sauna Game HQ (aka ReRoll Works) as this campaign has gone so well so far and we've got so much more to bring you all!

Earlier today we unlocked the latest Stretch Goal adding 3 more visitors to the deck! We're thrilled to be upping the visitor count for the deck - so much so we've added our next stretch goal to give us another 3 more later in the campaign.  Please help us to reach these goals by sharing the project :)

One of these new visitors will be modeled by our lucky Insta competition winner! We've brought the announcement date forward for this comp to next Monday 3rd October - as we're making space for more giveaways in the coming weeks!

Finally, but most importantly - a huge THANK YOU!!! to everyone who has shown their support so far! We're already so far ahead in this journey thanks to all of your contributions <3

Do you wanna be in the game?
over 1 year ago – Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 08:36:32 AM

Hey everyone!

So happy we're still going well with the campaign - we're nearly at the next stretch goal which will unlock 3 new visitors to add to the gorgeous bunch we have already!

Tying into this very theme, we've just launched a new competition for all of our Insta fans! We're giving away the chance to be in the game - drawn as one of our characters by Jose!

If you want to participate check out the post here:

For a bit more info about the competition, you can see the info page on our website:

Are you ready to visit to this Gay Sauna?

We're already looking into further competitions outside of Instagram as we know not all of you are insta-fans, and we'll announce as soon as we have more news.

Take care everyone!

Adrian x

102 Backers and counting!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 08:31:03 AM

We've reached over 100 backers - thank you all so much for your support!

At over 300% of our original goal, we're thrilled to be bringing this project to life. It's not even nearly over yet though - we've been working on our paid outreach which is starting to work well, and have a series of organic campaigns upcoming including an Instagram competition where we'll be giving the chance to be drawn by our very own artist and be included as a visitor in the game!

Follow us on Instagram at @saunagame and stay tuned for the announcement to participate.

Amongst all this are some artist creation videos showing the live recording of Jose at work drawing our gorgeous visitor artwork. First up, it's the hunky Jock!

We've still got plenty of stretch goals planned to make your games awesome, so please help us spread the word - sharing is caring <3

Speak to you all soon!

Another Stretch Goal and a Fancy new How to Play video!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 03:52:36 AM

Hey everyone, so closing on the second 24 hour period and we're well over the 250% mark!

This means we've not only unlocked the custom player board Stretch Goal, but we also revealed another upcoming Stretch Goal: Upgraded Dice!!!

We also got a present today from our lovely Artist Jose! He's sent over a very much improved version of our How to Play video for the campaign page:

Thanks you once again for all of the support so far! We can't wait to make this happen!

About the Lights On at the Bar Round....
over 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 07:03:27 AM

A question came up about the Lights On - Bar sequence at the end of the game, so I figured it would make sense to add some of the thinking and story behind this to clarify and maybe also help me refine the rules a bit further.

The Story

During the game, players are spending time going from one cruising area to the next. Occasionally it can all get a bit much, so spending time at the bar can give you a moment's peace from all the intense flirting.

However, there's also a game going on, so while they're grabbing a drink, players can also invest a bit of time chatting to the visitors who are watching from the sidelines.

When the players are finished and heading home, they drop by the bar in a last attempt to lure one or more of these visitors back home with them - giving them another score or two in their epic hookup contest.

The Mechanics

Introduced as a way to provide alternative scoring possibilities outside of cruising room flirting to help players either catch up to a runaway leader, or for when the visitors in the room don't provide any (good) matches.

During a player's turn they can choose 2 of 4 actions available to them, where one of these is placing a bar token on one of the spaces at the bar. This typically becomes the second most valuable thing you can do during your turn after you have hooked up - assuming sufficient horniness and mischief cards.

Each space can have multiple tokens placed one on top of the next. Giving advantages to the most recent player (top of the pile).

At the end of the game, the spaces at the bar are transitioned into visitors from the deck and laid out on the board as the "final cruising area" to play through.

Now players work through each stack of bar tokens, top to bottom on seat 1, then 2 etc, until all tokens have been spent.

Tokens can be spent in one of 3 ways:

1. Flirt with the visitor on the space

2. Swap any visitor on any space with a fresh one from the deck

3. Move or remove any bar token - typically you move (a different) one of your own tokens to a more advantageous space, or remove a token from the player who's the biggest competition.

Flirting with visitors at the bar also is a little different:

* You ignore your own preferences, but they still need to consent to your tribe

* You ignore all horniness

* You don't roll the sex dice

* You can't use your item, but you can use any remaining Mischief Cards you have

Ultimately this is a final round of potential scoring that brings a lot of tension for the winning spot as well as a final moment to mess around and heavily impact and influence the other players.

The introduction of the round has been a huge success - although it took quite some iterations to get to this version that worked smoothly and wasn't too overpowered compared to the rest of the game.

We already plan on having the details about what players can do during this round more readily available - either as part of the player boards or as a reference card along with other useful summaries like the dice roll tables.

So that's how it works! I hope this helps clarify a bit more. Happy to hear any feedback or thoughts on the phase or how we might be able to portray this as effectively as possible within the game rules.